Clown: Wife Sues Funeral Home Claiming It Held A "Sham" Service

Ivan Street, 67, died from congestive heart failure on January 9. Wife of four years, Demetra Street cremated and hosted a funeral service at Baltimore funeral home, Wylie Funeral Home. Another woman claiming to be Ivan's wife of 24 years, buried him against his wishes.

Complaint claims the funeral home secretly buried Ivan, then faked his cremation and held a "sham" service to keep Demetra's fee.

Now Demetra is suing for negligence, breach of contract and fraud, and is seeking $8.5million in damages. Arguing that this entire ordeal is has left her suffering with depression and nightmares.

Link to story: Wife sues Baltimore funeral home claiming it held 'sham' service for her husband | Daily Mail Online

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