Brazilian Car Dealership Adopts & Employs Street Dog, Tucson!

Shout out to this man Emerson Mariano, he’s a Hyundai prime branch manager in Brazil. Him & his staff had taken a liking to one of Brazil's many stray dogs who came to visit the dealership regularly, they named him Tucson. One night it was raining so Tucson was invited inside to have a meal, dry off and stay warm..little did he know he had just found his forever home. Emerson Mariano said “the company has always been pet friendly..we decided to embrace this idea in practice too.” While also trying to bring awareness and positive intervention to help curb Brazil's growing population of abandoned animals..not only did Emerson Mariano adopt Tucson..he also HIRED him. Tucson who was once a homeless stray dog was given the title Official Meeter & Greeter..but of course Tucson is focused on climbing up the corporate in addition to his greeting duties which he is a natural at by the way, hes also really working his marketing skills with regular posts to his own instagram account..and Tucson is very active on his instagram here he is posing with cars..

Keeping some kids entertained while their parents car shop…

..and they even got him behind a desk with a little headset on it looks like hes taking some calls.. lol I’m sure its all his fans calling!

Tucson has over 160k Instagram followers! So cute :)

Photo: Getty

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