4 Things To Keep In Mind Ahead Of Hot Weekend In The Pacific Northwest

Three year old boy standing in front of a fan and enjoy cool waves

Photo: Getty Images

Record-breaking high temperatures are coming to the Pacific Northwest this weekend, and some areas are going to see triple-digits. While that may be a great reason to hit the beach or pool, residents need to be wary of potential dangers that come with this rare heat wave.

Here are some things to keep in mind ahead of the sizzling few days.

Cooling areas: With more people getting vaccinated against COVID-19, it's a good time to go out for fresh air -- and to not worry about the electric bill. Here is a list of cooling areas in the Seattle area and in the Portland area, which includes libraries, pools, day centers, and other locations. Seattle has cooling centers at these locations, as well: Federal Way Community Center, Sammamish Community YMCA, Monroe Community Center and Northshore Senior Center.

Wildfire threat: The American Red Cross is urging people to be ready for possible wildfires over the near record-breaking hot weekend. With high temperatures and an ongoing drought in the region, it's almost the perfect recipe for intense blazes to sprout up. KOMO provided a list from the Red Cross of tips and plans to keep in mind.

Pet concerns: Veterinarians are asking pet owners to be mindful about when they walk their pets these next several days. Experts say animals can get blisters and burns on their pads and paws from hot pavement. They recommend walking them early in the morning or in the evening when it's not so hot.

Hydration and tips to beat the heat: Two immediate tips are stocking up on water and finding ways to block the sunlight in your home. The Washington State Department of Health said to drive plenty of fluids and avoid beverages that contain alcohol, caffeine, and high contents of sugar. Eat more frequently, but only light and balanced meals when applicable. We also gathered some more tips here.

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