First Pitbull Gets Adopted In Denver In 30 Years After Ban Is Lifted!

A 3 year old pit bull named Gumdrop ended 2020 as a stray on the streets of Denver, but started this new year by making history as the first pit bull legally adopted since voters repealed a ban on the breed that had stood for over 30 years! Since 1989 it had been illegal to own any dog deemed to have the majority appearance of a pitbull…but in November 2020 voters overwhelmingly passed legislation that replaces the outright ban with a provisional breed restricted license to help monitor any incidents, it also requires vaccinations and that pets be spayed/neutered. that launched on January 2nd which also just so happened to be the first day that gumdrop became available for adoption from Denver animal shelter. A family in Colorado Springs saw his photo and after immediately sending an email, a couple with just a baby and no other dogs drove over an hour to meet and adopt gumdrop. They renamed him Odin, who they say is a fun loving, sweet and energetic boy who loves playing with his toys! A big win for Denver, now that pitbulls can be adopted, it opens up even more opportunities for animal lovers AND of course, pitties themselves!

Photo: Getty

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