Last month Lindsey Sheely was getting a pizza delivered to her home in West Warwick Rhode Island when her 2 year old son felt compelled to run out to the driver leaving the porch and offer him a hug and kiss on the cheek to say thank you! Lindsey thought it was so sweet and funny, then she realized that their doorbell might have caught the cute interaction on camera..she looked and it did! She couldn’t wait to share it to social media in hopes that it would make other people smile too..and to Lindseys surprise the 20 second clip made it onto the timeline of Ryan the delivery driver from that night!! Ryan reached out to Lindsey and told her how happy he was to see that the hug was captured on video and why it was so special to him. Ryan revealed to Lindsey that he had recently lost his 16 year old daughter and her sons hug meant the world to him. He said “after losing my daughter this past week, it touched me because it was like she was there. It really just meant a lot to me.” Ever since this story has gone viral, the gofundme for Ryans daughters funeral has surpassed its goal and has gotten more than $28,000 in donations!