Jenna What's Good?!
When Nash was 11-months-old he was diagnosed with a rare neuromuscular disease, SMARD, which causes muscular weakness and a sudden inability to breathe in infants and it has no cure or treatment.
His mom Britney Stineman started her own nonprofit called Smash SMARD. The organization works to find effective treatments for kids like Nash. Since February, it has raised more than $2 million.
Brittany was warned her son, Nash, wouldn’t live to see his second birthday, but he just turned three and his community celebrated by throwing him a parade.
Because Nash has a weakened immune system, the little boy can’t be around a group of people in a traditional birthday party, so they did the parade instead. For more than an hour, over 100 cars, trucks, and jeeps drove down Nash’s street in a Chicago suburb to support and celebrate him. The photos will make your day, Nash is so happy smiling ear to ear!
Brittney explained, "It was a magical day, it just made me feel so much more hopeful about what the next year could bring." Sometimes all we need is a little support and hope!
That’s what’s good Brittany and Nash!
See all the photos and full story HERE