U.T. Gives Scholarship To Bullied Student

A 4th grader in Florida was gearing up for college spirit day at school and told his teacher that he really wanted to wear a university of Tennessee shirt but he didn’t have one..so the teacher was like its ok! Just wear an orange shirt and you’ll be good. So the kids like okay..super excited..counting down the days to wear his orange shirt and when he finally got to wear it he was SO excited..even took things a step further to make his own label that he drew on a piece of paper and attached it to the front of his shirt. Well we all know kids are mean..and he definitely got made fun of for his homemade shirt. He came into his classroom at lunch..put his head on his desk and started crying. The teacher posted this ordeal on facebook with pics of the homemade shirt and UT was so impressed not only did they send the 4th grader lots of gifts..they actually turned his homemade UT shirt into a REAL shirt to sell. 50,000 shirts had been pre sold with all proceeds going to the stomp out bullying non profit. The school also offered the 4th grader a full 4 year scholarship!

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