Despite Being Homeless and Illiterate, Man Now Creates Backyard Beaches!

33 year old Eric White never really had it easy. He was homeless as a teenager and could only read at a 2nd grade level when he eventually dropped out of high school. He could hardly even spell his name. After dropping out he got a job at a local construction company so he could try to make enough money to feed his daughter. Construction seemed to have come naturally to him..he took a job in Baton Rouge Louisiana and within the first 6 months was already managing the team. From there he went to another company for more money and the eventually started his own company..a pool business called Cool Pools. His business was doing SO WELL that he ended up selling it for over a million dollars. He now runs a construction company in southern Louisiana creating backyard beaches. Theyre so cool so he calls them swimming ponds..and theyre little swimming pools that are surrounded by sand and equipped with his specially patented water pump. It really looks like a little beach! From homeless and illiterate to selling million dollar companies..Eric white is definitely someone who worked hard to provide and NEVER gave up.

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