SEATTLE: 10-year-old Jaylin Harris Creates Business to Pay Education

10-year-old Jaylin Harris is one of the many faces for the new wave of Black entrepreneurs here in Seattle! In the video below, you see Jaylin Harris on New Day Northwest to talk about her accessories business Creations By Jaylin which she started to help pay for her school tuition.

Jaylin (who has dyslexia) currently goes to Hamlin Robinson School, which is an independent school in Seattle offering a specialized program for students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. Crazy Besa fact, I also have dyslexia! Check out the video below!

One I LOOVVVEEE that Jaylin isn’t allowing dyslexia to get the best of her, because it wasn’t easy for me growing up with it and trying to get proper education. Two, at 10-years-old Jaylin has created her own business from skills that she naturally possessed and is using the money to pay for her education. Let that sink in for those of you saying I have a dream but I don’t know how to get started.

At the end of the day ‘where there’s a will there’s a way’ and if 10-year-old Jaylin Harris from Seattle could find a way, I’m not sure why you can’t either.

Make sure you support this lovely young business owner by visiting her site Creations By Jaylin!

*Currently Hamlin Robinson’s tuition is set at 22k for grades 1-5 and 24k for grades 6-8.*

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