A man walking around the C.D. in Seattle starting shouting racial slurs, and a by stander pulled out his cell phone to start recording the incident.
According to KIRO, the man's California plates linked back to Michael Slawson, the son of a LA Superior County court judge. The man was shouting the N-word, talking about white power, and making antisemitic gestures, and Kyle Daniels, who walked out of PCC Community Markets at the corner of East Union Street and 23rd Avenue, caught it all.
Why a man would go to the central district and start shouting these things? No one has any idea. On top of that, he's the one with California plates and probably not from the area at all..and is telling other people to "go back to Africa"? JUST A CLOWN thirsty for attention, an instigator, and shout out to kdcutz on instagram for not falling for the bait.
Photo: Getty