Today’s Clown of the Sound goes to….well….we’re not sure..but we’re sure there’s a clown in here somewhere!! A county worker named Kara Armatis was leaving the King County courthouse when a man who was crossing paths, seemed to get irritated that Kara got in his way. We see on security footage that Kara made her way around the man, but he turned around and smacked her in the back of the head. Kara claims to have been slapped so hard she got a concussion, but from the tape it looks like he just hit her pony tail. Lizette Love is giving the clown to the man to smacked her, Jenna is giving the clown to Kara for being extra and claiming she received a concussion, and Strawberry is giving the clown to the reporter who said Kara was “punched” in the back of the head! So..I guess they’re all clowns lol.
See the video of Kara being hit HERE and full story!