Clown Of The Sound: News Reporter Damages Old Model Cars On Live TV...

Today’s Clown of the Sound goes to a TV reporter in Sacramento, CA who got fired for leaping onto privately owned vintage vehicles on LIVE TV. Angel Cardenas was filming a segment at a car show and kept saying that no one was there yet, it wasn’t open, he was literally like the only person in the building..he said “So no one is out are to tell me which car I can’t go in because, you know, some of these are off limits. So I’m going to live on the wild side.” THEN HE HOPPED ONTO THE HOOD OF A YELLOW FORD THUNDERBIRD. Then he opened another car’s door, hitting the car next to it…he jumped onto a few more cars..dented hoods..all on live TV. A MESS. Angel Cardenas later got fired. Are we surprised? Not really. Why would he think that was a good idea?!! Clown!

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