Jenna What's Good?!
Jaden Smith was seen giving out free vegan food out of a vegan food truck called ‘I love you’ to hundreds of people who suffer from homelessness in LA… He took to Instagram to say “The I Love You Restaurant Is A Movement That Is All About Giving People What They Deserve, Healthy, Vegan Food For Free. Today We Launched Our First One Day Food Truck Pop-Up in Downtown LA. keep a look out this is the first of many’… Meaning this food truck will be out and about giving free healthy vegan food away to people that need it on Skid row and other places where homeless reside. I thought this was really cool because so often you see people give out food but it’s all unhealthy food chips, high sugary foods etc. But I think this is a great movement… And the truck name says it all…
That's What's Good Jaden!