Post-Storm Donation Day Today!

Strawberry's What's Good?!

With the snow storm over, and everyone just trying to get back to normal, one man from Lake Forest Park says giving back is a good way to start. Garrett Musar says he wanted to do something for those who may still be struggling to recover.

He’s donating some time over at North Help Line which is a food bank, he’ s donating an old scooter, then making some charitable donations,”

But Musar isn’t stopping there. He’s inviting other people to join him. He created the ‘Post-Storm Donation Day’ event on Facebook, happening TODAY!

There’s no set place. And by marking yourself “Going” to the event you’re just saying that you’re going to do something good Today.

Hundreds of people have signed up for this region-wide event to give back in some way. There is no wrong place to donate and there is no wrong way to donate.

So whether you donate food, clothing, time or even a simple hug, someone out there needs it.

For more information about giving back, click this link HERE

Facebook Link To Join! Click HERE

Photo Credit: Facebook/PostStormDonationDay

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