Husband Keeps Wife's Phinney Ridge Tradition Alive

Strawberry's What's Good?!

A lot of people in Phinney Ridge know the house on the corner of Palatine and 65th because it has a plum tree that’s always decorated.

For every holiday- Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, 4th of July , Halloween, Seahawks games, St Patricks’ Day, and of course yesterday for Valentine’s Day.

That plum tree was plated about 40 years ago by Herb and MaryLou Allwine.

Putting lights and decorations on the plum tree was MaryLou’s idea, it was her responsibility and it soon became a neighborhood tradition. 

Since her passing in 2009, Herb continues to go down to the basement and haul all the boxes up, string the lights and decorate the tree. He doesn't particularly enjoy it. It's not like he loves decorating the tree. That's not what this is about.

Herb says ‘If it were up to me, I would probably stop doing it but she, she loved it. She was the one who bought all the ornaments, all I did was help her do it. Now, I'm out here doing it all myself. I'll just keep it going as long as I can. I'll be 77 pretty soon. It's getting harder and harder to get up and down the ladder."

I thought this was a beautiful story of love and I wanted to share it with you!

To see the full story and video click HERE

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